Dr Giorgos Kappes presented our accepted paper entitled “Faster FUSE Filesystems with Efficient Data Transfers” at the 15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems that took place during September 4-5th in Kyoto, Japan.

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina
Dr Giorgos Kappes presented our accepted paper entitled “Faster FUSE Filesystems with Efficient Data Transfers” at the 15th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems that took place during September 4-5th in Kyoto, Japan.
The Computer Systems Lab (Dept of Computer Science & Engineering) and the Meteorology Lab (Physics Dept) co-organize publicity workshop on the project entitled “Internet platform for the automated notification of the general public and local authorities about possible extreme weather conditions in Epirus”. The project was supported by the operational program “Epirus 2014-2020” (cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund). The workshop will take place in the Seminar Room of the Physics Department, University of Ioannina on Thursday, June 20th at 9am.
The research article entitled “Diciclo: Flexible User-level Services for Efficient Multitenant Isolation” of G. Kappes and S. V. Anastasiadis appears in the May 2024 issue of ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (TOCS). This is the first time that a research group from Greece independently publishes an article in ACM TOCS during the 40 year history of the top systems journal.
The research project entitled “Towards Predictable Performance in Elastic, Reliable and Secure Multitenant Systems (TOPPERS)” has been approved for funding by the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI) of the Greek Ministry of Development. TOPPERS will address interesting problems in the cloud systems software that is used to run data-intensive applications in multitenant hosts. The activities include the development of techniques for improved isolation, elasticity, security and reliability of containerized applications. The research team is led by Professor Stergios Anastasiadis and includes Postdoctoral Researcher Dr Giorgos Kappes and Doctoral Candidate Miltiades Vasiliades. TOPPERS starting on 21/11/2023 has a duration of 24 months and is hosted by the Institute of Digital Innovation, University Center for Research and Innovation under the administration of the Research Committee, University of Ioannina. The research project is implemented in the call “Basic research Financing (Horizontal support of all Sciences)” under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan “Greece 2.0” funded by the European Union – NextGenerationEU (HFRI Project Number: 15206).
The article entitled Quantifying the Security Profile of Linux Applications co-authored by Georgios C. Androutsopoulos, Giorgos Kappes and Stergios V. Anastasiadis appeared in the 14th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems (APSys 2023) held in Seoul, South Korea (August 24-25th, 2023).
Relaxed Concurrent Queues (RCQs) is a new family of queues that we developed (with Giorgos Kappes) to provide low latency in queue operations and item transfers. Our goal is to improve the responsiveness of the applications and systems running on manycore machines with fast devices. In our work we introduce several new queue algorithms with provable properties on progress, correctness and bounded FIFO distance along with extensive experimental comparisons to representative existing strict and relaxed data structures. Please check our article in the latest issue of ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing for details:
Stergios V. Anastasiadis has been promoted to the rank of Full Professor in the area of expertise “Operating Systems” at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina.
George Androutsopoulos after graduating from our department and working for the Dioni project for six months is moving to the US as PhD Candidate at Purdue University starting in fall 2022. We wish him every success!