
  1. Dioni: Computing Infrastructure for Big-Data Processing and Analysis, November 2020-May 2023, Regional Excellence, Operational Program of Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Ministry of Development and Investments (co-funded by European Union).
  2. Web-based Platform for the Automated Early Notification of the General Public and Local Authorities about Severe Weather Conditions, November 2019-October-2022, Operational Programme “Epirus 2014-2020”.
  3. Homore: Smart System for the Monitoring of the Normal Living of Elderly People in Urban and Rural Areas, September 2018-Mar 2021, Operational Programme “Epirus 2014-2020”.
  4. Ofidia2: Operational Fire-Danger Prevention Platform 2, AprilĀ  2018-Mar 2020, Coordinated by the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change, Lecce, Italy, European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece-Italy 2014-2020”.
  5. NESUS: Network for Sustainable Ultrascale Computing, 2014-2018, COST Action IC1305, European Cooperation in Science and Technology, EU RTD Framework Programme.
  6. Ofidia: Operational Fire-Danger Prevention Platform, May 2013-Apr 2015, Coordinated by the Euro-Mediterranean Center for Climate Change, Lecce, Italy, European Territorial Cooperation Programme “Greece-Italy 2007-2013” (co-funded by the European Union) [public version of Online Precision Weather Forecast for N.W. Greece]
  7. Cloud9: A multidisciplinary, holistic approach to internet-scale cloud computing, Jan 2012-Dec 2014, Coordinated by the University of Patras, Thales Programme, General Secretariat of Research and Technology, Ministry of Education.
  8. Scalable Filesystems and Datastores for Cloud Environments, Jul 2012-Jul 2015, AWS in Education Research grant, Amazon Web Services LLC.
  9. HellasHPC: National network of excellence for high-performance computing, May-Nov 2010, Coordinated by GRNET, General Secreteriat of Research and Technology, Ministry of Education.
  10. Intersafe: Teaching and research in computer science with applications to public safety, Aug 2007-Oct 2008, Interreg IIIA (co-funded by the European Union).
  11. Interstore: Decentralized data sharing with applications to biomedical image processing, Jan 2007-Sep 2008, Interreg IIIA (co-funded by the European Union).